压力测试和评测工具 Siege




# siege
tar zxvf siege-3.0.6.tar.gz
cd siege-3.0.6/
make install

# sproxy
yum -y install perl-devel openssl-devel
tar zxvf sproxy-1.02.tar.gz
cd sproxy-1.02/
make install


siege --help

SIEGE 3.0.6
Usage: siege [options]
       siege [options] URL
       siege -g URL
  -V, --version             VERSION, prints the version number.
  -h, --help                HELP, prints this section.
  -C, --config              CONFIGURATION, show the current config.
                            #可以编辑里面的参数,这样每次siege 都会按照它运行.
  -v, --verbose             VERBOSE, prints notification to screen.
  -q, --quiet               QUIET turns verbose off and suppresses output.
  -g, --get                 GET, pull down HTTP headers and display the
                            transaction. Great for application debugging.
  -c, --concurrent=NUM      CONCURRENT users, default is 10
                            #模拟有n个用户在同时访问,n不要设得太大,因为越大,siege 消耗本地机器的资源越多
  -i, --internet            INTERNET user simulation, hits URLs randomly.
  -b, --benchmark           BENCHMARK: no delays between requests.
  -t, --time=NUMm           TIMED testing where "m" is modifier S, M, or H
                            ex: --time=1H, one hour test.
                            #持续运行siege ‘n’秒(如10S),分钟(10M),小时(10H)
  -r, --reps=NUM            REPS, number of times to run the test.
                            #重复运行测试n次,不能与 -t同时存在
  -f, --file=FILE           FILE, select a specific URLS FILE.
  -R, --rc=FILE             RC, specify an siegerc file
  -l, --log[=FILE]          LOG to FILE. If FILE is not specified, the
                            default is used: PREFIX/var/siege.log
  -m, --mark="text"         MARK, mark the log file with a string.
  -d, --delay=NUM           Time DELAY, random delay before each requst
                            between 1 and NUM. (NOT COUNTED IN STATS)
  -H, --header="text"       Add a header to request (can be many)
  -A, --user-agent="text"   Sets User-Agent in request
  -T, --content-type="text" Sets Content-Type in request

Copyright (C) 2014 by Jeffrey Fulmer, et al.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS


** SIEGE 2.72
** Preparing 300 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege.. done.

Transactions:             30000 hits      #完成30000次处理
Availability:            100.00 %         #成功率
Elapsed time:             68.59 secs      #总共使用时间
Data transferred:        817.76 MB        #共数据传输 817.76 MB
Response time:             0.04 secs      #响应时间,显示网络连接的速度
Transaction rate:        437.38 trans/sec #平均每秒完成 437.38 次处理
Throughput:               11.92 MB/sec    #平均每秒传送数据
Concurrency:              17.53           #实际最高并发连接数
Successful transactions:  30000           #成功处理次数
Failed transactions:          0           #失败处理次数
Longest transaction:       3.12           #每次传输所花最长时间
Shortest transaction:      0.00           #每次传输所花最短时间