- http://blog.csdn.net/lengzijian/article/details/9227005
- http://justfansty.blog.sohu.com/217928676.html
- http://www.zlovezl.cn/articles/40/
- zkpython使用文档: http://justfansty.blog.sohu.com/217953183.html
cd zookeeper-3.4.5/src/c ./configure make make install
./cli_mt localhost:2181 Watcher SESSION_EVENT state = CONNECTED_STATE Got a new session id: 0x23f9d77d3fe0001
Here's a list of command supported by the cli shell: ls <path> -- list children of a znode identified by <path>. The command set a children watch on the znode. get <path> -- get the value of a znode at <path> set <path> <value> -- set the value of a znode at <path> to <value> create [+e|+s] <path> -- create a znode as a child of znode <path>; use +e option to create an ephemeral znode, use +s option to create a znode with a sequence number appended to the name. The operation will fail if the parent znode (the one identified by <path>) doesn't exist. delete <path> -- delete the znode at <path>. The command will fail if the znode has children. sync <path> -- make sure all pending updates have been applied to znode at <path> exists <path> -- returns a result code indicating whether the znode at <path> exists. The command also sets a znode watch. myid -- prints out the current zookeeper session id. quit -- exit the shell.
- 下载python扩展包,并且解压: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/zkpython/0.4.2
yum install python-devel
安装 -
import zookeeper
如果出现了一个ImportError: libzookeeper_mt.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 错误,请在/etc/profile里添加如下变量:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
也可以:cd zookeeper-3.3.3/src/contrib/zkpython/,之后执行
ant install
import zookeeper #导入zkpython模块 handler = zookeeper.init("localhost:2181"); # 建立连接 zookeeper.create(handler,"/zkpython_create_node","mydata1",[{"perms":0x1f,"scheme":"world","id":"anyone"}]),0); #创建节点 # 第一个参数就是我们刚才建立的链接 # 第二个参数是创建的节点的路径 # 第三个是创建的节点的数据 # 第四个是acl(zookeeper中的访问控制列表) # 第四个是创建的节点的类型(0表示持久化的,1表示持久化+序号,2表示瞬时的,3表示瞬时加序号型的) # acl的描述:第一个参数是perms,这个代表了控制这个节点的权限,具体值参考如下: # int READ = 1 << 0; # int WRITE = 1 << 1; # int CREATE = 1 << 2; # int DELETE = 1 << 3; # int ADMIN = 1 << 4; # 也就是说,这是一个数字,而我们例子中为什么是1f呢?实际上就是 READ | WRITE | CREATE | DELETE | ADMIN的结果 # 后面还有两个参数,实际上现在java和c的api中定义的值只有两种,除了例子中的还有一种是: # "scheme":"auth","id":""组合的,但是实际上,官方的文档中是有四种的,有兴趣的同学可以参考: # http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperProgrammers.html 里的内容 zookeeper.get_children(handler,"/",None); # 查看子节点 zookeeper.get(handler,"/zkpython_create_node"); # 获取节点的值及描述信息 zookeeper.set(handler,"/zkpython_create_node","mydata2"); #修改节点的值 zookeeper.delete(handler,"/zkpython_create_node"); #删除节点的值 zookeeper.close(handler); #关闭连接 # watch的使用,我们知道zookeeper有一个watch机制,可以监听节点上发生的事件,在zkpython中,我们通过如下方式来进行监听. # 比如我们在获取一个节点的时候,给这个节点加一个监听器,具体的代码是: import zookeeper; # 首先,我们先要定义一个watch方法,比如这里的myWatch方法,之后在调用get方法的时候,把这个watch传递进去就可以了 def myWatch(handler,type,state,path): print "handler:"+str(handler)+",type:"+str(type)+",state:"+str(state)+",path:"+path; zookeeper.get(handler,path,myWatch);#保证可以被重复监听 handler = zookeeper.init("localhost:2181"); data = zookeeper.get(handler,"/zkpython_node",myWatch); # handler:就是我们创建连接之后的返回值,我试了下,发现好像指的是连接的一个索引值,以0开始 # type:事件类型,-1表示没有事件发生,1表示创建节点,2表示节点删除,3表示节点数据被改变,4表示子节点发生变化 # state:客户端的状态,0:断开连接状态,3:正常连接的状态,4认证失败,-112:过期啦 # path:这个状态就不用解释了,znode的路径